शुक्रवार, 26 अगस्त 2016

संग #Haiku

जान, जहां है 
जुत्ती चाहे आसमां 
जीना  ,संग हैं  

This picture is taken from Guwahati News under the Title "Assam Floods"

गुरुवार, 11 अगस्त 2016

Window clicks--" boju"

In Nepali the term 'boju" means grandmother. At the age of  85 boju climbs the steep foothills of Kurseong  about 5-6 km. every morning  carrying about 20 liters of  milk. Sometimes she carries a bundle of 50  brooms , local cucumbers, fresh organic green vegetables etc. Since last 40 years I have been seeing boju toiling hard for her livelihood.

She is a real model of "a true will power ". I salute you boju. you are an inspiration to me and others. 

बुधवार, 3 अगस्त 2016

Good Morning - window clicks

सुबह के बादल अपनी अनोखी छटा बिखरते हुए ,ज़मी से क्षितिज तक के  भ्रमण  का आनंद लेते  हुए मेरे window clicks में कैद हुए